Bolnavi de frunte încruntată


Au nevoie de săruturi:

Ca-n verile în care,

Când mama făcea salate,

Ne lipea colțurile castraveților,

Reci și umede,

De frunte.

Și noi râdeam.

Acum am crescut

Și nu mai râdem

Și nu ne mai lipește nimeni

Colțuri de castraveți

De frunte.

Acum avem un colț al gurii

Și-un colț al camerei-


Noi niciodată drepți

Sau sărutați.

exercising unboxing

every human’s a box

each also lives in one

and they call it a home.

but some have cracks

not where the locked door is,

nor under the window

through which

curious eyes sometimes

peep searching for

that crazy woman’s screech.

they are inside

and they happen when that glass of

wine is




somewhere else on

the floor

you can find the shards of

your box.

buy a new home

and a bottle of wine:

open the latter,

lock the first.

no escape

Ever wondered why the arsonist too goes to the shore?

He pulls out his ribs to design a boat,

Knitting them with every plucked string of his heart

But as soon as he leaves the land

They all start to crumble and crumble;

The water is glaucous blue and salty

And it comes from his eyes which burn.

While plunging into it and getting his last straw

He dies and his house tumbles down, burnt.

Hours later-

They find his memories on the floor

Smelling like regrets and cigars.



end after end in an endless chain

suddenly struck by this thorny thought

untimely swirling into chaos

which I did not apprehend.

cause me pain, I thought

quite masochistically

but I didn’t expect that you’d end

what really felt like a start.

the door opens, I’m still shocked

as one already closed, too fast

and feeling stabbed by million shards

I smile and overtly gaze there, having no aim

like saying: yeah, come in.

then the question that I fear arises:

-Do I bother you?

-Of course not, please just vanish

while I still feel flustered

with wobbly knees and refrained

shivery thoughts.

-Why aren’t you staying straight?

But how could I

when the only remanent thing which keeps my head up

shoulders straight

is the fucking orthosis

bracing myself





she came and seemed so happy;

she said: -hey!

and you replied: -Hey! I’m Happiness.

then the other day, another one came

he said: hey…

in 4 shades of sad

and then again you replied:

-Hey! I’m Sadness.

after that, out of nowhere,

a new one appeared

she was so funny

and her laughter

overwhelmingly contagious-

so you smiled and told her a joke:

-Hey, I can be so me with you!

and you’re alone:

finally, the latter one showed up

he unsaid the joke

tendentiously veiled in irony.

he became clear black

and said: hey, I’m Grief!

then sluggishly asked me:

-Who are you?

thus bewildered I said:

-Hey! 19075340_1364550350300551_349589800_n

cum se uita

ochii-ti ies din orbite vio/lent
si-o amintire-ti impregneaza o imagine-n minte-
neclar, neclar, neclar
imprumuta Ochiul lui Horus si-nteapa-l
cu varful unghiei abia scos din carnea-
palmei mai acum ceva timp inclestata-n pumn
sa prinda, sa nu dea drumul
jongleaza cu el- inducere-n eroare
deformeaza imaginea, cuprinde-l in maini
pune-i degetul, sa taca, pe retina.
el clipeste in semn de revolta, te musca de deget disperat
genele-ti rapun tesutul;
injecteaza-o lacrima sa te-amorteasca
neclar, neclar, neclar-
acum e momentul,
definitiveaza actul profanator:
strapunge-l si lasa-l orb
indurerat de amintirea amintirii.

wake up

you woke up,

you barely woke up;

you sighed and thought

“5 more minutes that I need, please”

so you begged yourself to feel

a bit longer dead:

sleep.                                                                  images

you woke up

then again you peevishly asked for some minutes

to feel how it feels not to feel at all

conscious, or aware of our mawkish reality

“so life”- you begged, “let me die a bit”-

don’t sleep.

stand up and aimlessly move your legs

go there- but where?

brush your teeth, look into the mirror

see not yourself, but just a weary face-

not yours, another’s.

feel empty for the rest of the day,

drown in drowse and act dim,

the disappearance of the insides

so dull

and grey

lacking the You in Self and the Self in You,

yourself is divided:

Self craves for some minutes of death

and after a day of living

You get home-


4 p.m.

4 p.m.340870704_o

He walked the chalky alley

As he usually does:

Lumbering, with his eyes

Not reaching the horizon.

But for the nonce

He feels the wind

Sluggishly touching his

Peachy freckled-cheeks;

And dazzled he observes

The iridescence of a

Floating feather in

The sun’s glow-

Its blatant colours:

Black fading in metallic blue

And metallic blue fading in

The kid’s green-like eyes.

Such a piece of art

Tremulous in the air

As the boy’s heart when

His mom died.


4 p.m.-  on some other street

You can hear a screech

From insides of a dead bird.

Blatant colours:

Black fading in metallic blue,

Metallic blue fading in

fading in

fading in

having the self covered


My fingers stretch my skin

Around my eye

Trying to awaken it in the present

Because… you won’t believe it,

But it sometimes just

 rolls slightly trying to

Take a look into the past

Summoning its senses back.

Nary a thing to see as

Long ago I convinced it to have

Unseen all the unpleasant and

Trap it in a forgotten cage.

Veiled the withered times

And canvased the „I”

Painting it in a greenish feeling;

Elpis exists, unbeknownst to my

Deceived self by itself.

As long as you want to plunder

The depths of buried times,

Don’t try to look me in the “I”

You might unlock Pandora’s box.

screw it

that fire burns red82b1c58e3e47e5887b307df81e9ee05b

and those wood cracks

are just shattered bones of

something nevermore existing.

it burns convulsively and

fascinated by its

devilish tinge

i burnt my fingers

stealing some of

its fiery spirit

giving then some

lurid shade to

my pale skin.

i wonder if tears are made for

tearing things;

such as my skin when

colliding with some,

felt like whining

as my cells were

damaged by those

liquid harms which,

apparently, created

just some ailments;

it’s just a physical feel,

it doesn’t really hurt.

it seems like a bitter illusion

which distracts you

from the actual pain

which caused the tears

to cause the tearing.



5 years ago,

3 o’clock in the morning and

a glass has been shattered

when the devil

driven by some impotent fury

thought that she should

face some irrational obloquy;

he made the girl

pack her dreams

and all her memories;

goodbye, catteries.

the car, in that year,

made its way with

such readiness away

from all that meant


inside, you could’ve heard

the little girl’s thoughts:

they were so powerful,


and they were all laments.

4 years ago, the devil

soothed his

igneous temper.

but there she is again

after a bit of

its calmness

on the back seat

weeping and being

subjugated by blackness.

3 years ago, there were

some things to be made;

such as good times

in some place

miscalled home.

2 years ago, the engine

created some technical

self of her

that has in its mechanism

the same routine

of being carried away.

this time, there was no weeping

maybe just an attempt

which was quelled

among some dizzy thoughts.

one year ago, she kept coming

back to the devil

that plays some

benevolent deity

in her 12th act of life.


with her weary eyes

she observes it’s recurrent

and driven by

some impotent fury

she tries to escape

some reminiscing state;

but she doesn’t notice that


the car is honking.